Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Saginaw pilgrims featured in Austrailian press

The South Coast Register out of Nowra, New South Wales, Australia, featured two World Youth Day pilgrims from the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw.

Check out the story: http://nowra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/news/general/pilgrims-progress-in-the-shoalhaven/810325.aspx


lisa said...

YEAH!! GO Eddie, GO Adam.
You touch the lives of so many in beautiful ways!!
You have reminded us that we are drawn to the spiritual truths of love, faith, hope, and charity. Our young people are yearning to KNOW!They yearn for peace.
God Bless,

July 14, 2008 6:51 PM

Fr. Andy said...

Just wanted to let you all know I was able to update my blog again. I was not able to post anymore photos. It has been a great pilgrimage. I hope you all agree that it has changed all of us. I plan to post photos on the 24th when I return to Michigan.

Fr. Andy